Shouldn't" /> Shouldn't"/>
Democrat Eleanor Holmes Norton On Health Care: "We've Got To Find Some More Revenue"
Shouldn't this be on the news? A candid moment here...
Holmes: "We've got to make sure that we don't end up, in our zeal to get a bill, shifting costs to the middle class, the people that we're trying to relieve. We've got to find some more revenue. the only people who've gotten away with murder so far are the people who in the industry such as the pharmaceuticals. Boy, for what they gonna get, trillions of dollars, they've given very little. So it's now a question only of revenue."
Holmes: "If anything, I said yesterday to some of my friends in the Democratic Caucus, we better watch out because the public option is becoming so popular I think more people may think they're gonna get it than are supposed to get it under the bill because it's for a fairly limited number of people"