Despite White House worries, Harry Reid rolls dice

2009-10-28 13

harry Reid Looking Tired And BLAMING Moderate GOp Members for his problem. Same old story. Check out the last two minuates of his speech here and the laugh he gets from the media audience as they agree with him. Hmm, i wonder what side they are on?

Reid’s announcement amounts to a dramatic bid to resuscitate the public option in the Senate after weeks of it appearing all but dead. Progressives — from the architect of the strategy, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), to activist groups that pushed relentlessly for the public option — hailed Reid as bold and his move as a “huge victory.”

But the task ahead for Reid is steep, and at this point, even expert Senate vote-counters say there’s no way to know if Reid can pull it off. It all comes down to moderates — and Reid’s skill at convincing them the opt-out plan is not the budget-busting Big Government health takeover many worry about.