How to build solar panels in 1 hour and save money - DIY

2009-10-26 1,229
Earth4Energy manual is going to teach you everything you need to know about producing your own electricity by using wind and solar power. With our complete step-by-step setup fully illustrated manual you will be able to create your renewable energy solutions in your own backyard!you can now have your own wind or solar power system setup for $200 or less!
There are a few different systems I am going to show you depending on your application. First off, I will show you how to build a working solar power system for under $200. You can use this to power things like lights, laptops, TVs and basically anything you have in your home. This one is also great for camping as it is very portable.
make solar power
how to make a solar panel to power cd player
how to make a solar panel to power laptop
how to make a solar power
how to make a solar power generator
how to make solar power collector
how to make solar power panals
how to make solar power panels