kirktv - KirkTv: Are you in "Spiritual Crisis" ? Is the world in A "Spiritual" Crisis ? it sure this peisode of the Kirktv show and find out why - the worlds: healers, lightworkers, gurus, "Buddhas" and shaman chk out kirktv for his fun - spiritual basics - and the infamous "Shakti!" youtube/kirktv22 - kirktv technoAvatar @ twitter, myspace, facebook and all over the web - Giving you the Spiritual wake-up call...for a world in Transition...Live viewer call In. The Tech on the show is awful, there is no budget, kirk can rant away and even forget what hes saying...but hey - youll get the Love electronic transmission...chk me out - and get an "Upgrade for your Consciousness..." from your "TechnoAvatar for the New World Healing...