ADNAN OKTAR: …Because a huge mass of people are created for hell. We cannot compel someone who is created for hell, and who makes us feel that, to adopt the virtues of paradise. Our Prophet (saas) also tells us that. Almighty Allah says “Perhaps you will destroy yourself with grief because they will not become believers.”. Our Prophet (saas) made enormous efforts for them to find the right way, whereas they had actually come from hell. They want it, they want hell. They want to go where they are going. You can tell a sick person that Allah is testing him and will bestow paradise on him if the results of that test are good, and if the person is a Muslim he will be delighted and rejoice. But these are meaningless words for an unbeliever, someone who denies Allah. But there is nothing surprising in that. There will be many people like that. That is how the world has been created. Things will go on like that until Doomsday. People will be tested.