FiNews #56 - First Birthday Gifts for Our Lady

2009-10-16 44

Ave Maria!
Here's a video of our 4 newly professed friars who took their first vows on September 8th, 2009.  All 4 will soon be in Italy to begin studying for the priesthood.  The houses of philosophy and theology for the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are in Italy, just outside of Rome.  All FIs who study for the priesthood go to Italy, so when the Italian friars pick them up at the airport, our newly professed with be greeted with those familiar words: Ave Maria! Parli l'italiano?
Note: The optional  price for viewing this video is one Rosary to Our Lady for these new friars, per request of the one who wrote this post.  (St. Therese, pray for us!)
Ave Maria!
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