Final Fantasy VIII- Jumbo Cactuar Part 1

2009-10-13 293

Part 1 of a very long and very tough battle. So long, that I had to split this video into 3 parts. Jumbo Cactuar has a very high amount of HP, but he has a huge weakness - Water. Leviathan is a very useful GF to have in this battle, as well as junctioning Water to elemental attack. I would also recommend getting Eden before fighting this battle, since it can do 5 digit damage, and also make use of Aura and limit breaks (especially since Jumbo Cactuar looks like he's doing a funny dance when Squall does Renzokuken on him, really worth a look!) Make sure to have Full Life ready, since 10000 needles kills a character instantly. A big trouble spot comes near the end of the battle when a message saying "Jumbo Cactuar is hesitating" appears. This means it is thinking of running away, so do not attack him physically, and kill him as quickly as possible. Otherwise he will run away and you will have to start the battle all over again. You get the GF Cactuar when you beat him.