The Monster by François Chalet and Mathias Vetter

2009-10-07 1

© 2009 François Chalet and Mathias Vetter / Label Dalbin
More information at

Mix-media installation composed of a resine statue, two plasma screens and a stereo sound system showing a 6 minute animation film by François Chalet and a musical composition by Mathias Vetter.

The audience enters in the monster's head and sees directly through its eyes... And then...
François Chalet's installation is questioning while entertaining us. He would like to create a world in which the borders between the good and the bad disappear, in which we can become the monster and this monster shows his inner world. A world both frightening and surprising. A world that shakes us to allow us to make our thoughts evolve. The frontier between monster and non-monster is blurred. Good news !
So step into the monster's head and watch the world trough its eyes! Don't be afraid of you are about to see!