Heart health needs not deteriorate when you grow older. You must focus on the impact of heart disease and the risk factors in order to help prolong your heart's youth. We should be looking at someone being healthy for his or her age instead of looking at someone who is simply looking young for his or her age.
To do so, you have to measure the youth of your heart against yourself: whether at 70, you are still able to do the things that you did at 50, without breaking sweat.
An 80-year-old man with silver hair plays basketball every morning without fail. A 76-year-old marathoner took part in the grueling 100 km alpine ultramarathon by traveling all the way to Mongolia by plane. These two gentlemen are just two of the good examples of young at heart.
International studies have shown that a 65-year-old person who exercises regularly can bring his or her heart age to that of a 25-year-old who does not exercise as much. A healthy heart is vital for