Obama Discusses Lawsuit Reform 60 Minutes

2009-09-15 87

From Sept 13 2009

He would never give an inch on tort reform, ever...

KROFT: If it came down to getting this plan passed, would you be willing to do more in the area of tort reform and malpractice insurance? Would you be willing to agree to caps, for example, on malpractice judgments?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: What I would be willing to do is to consider any ideas out there that would actually work in terms of reducing costs, improving the quality of patient care. So far the evidence I've seen is that caps will not do that. But there are a range of ideas that are out there, offered by doctor's organizations like the AMA, that I think we can explore. And if somebody comes to me with a serious proposal on that front, or on any front, we want to incorporate.

more info at this home page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOKfXU2VfVw&feature=player_embedded