A Cops Job Is Never Done

2009-09-12 1

Music video about the life of a city cop who's work is never done. There will always be crime.. and there will always hard working cops singning about it. Huh? Yes, this guy has a chip on his shoulder about his job in the seedy part of town. Think about your favourite private investigator character from your number one PI novel and.. well you get the picture. c. 2008 Michael L Vidale and Ian G Hildebrand .

Produced by Michael Vidale/StJAM and Henry Glover/Sunshine Beats

Narrated : Ian Hildebrand Bass : Michael Vidale Vocal : Nadia Colbourn Keyboards , Programming + Remix : Henry Glover

Video Produced by StJAM Directed and Edited by Martin Taylor / White Dot Films

Featuring Troy Sobelowski and Alix Armstrong as The Blonde

Furry & Wilde www.furryandwilde.com