Sen. Al Franken "Reenergized" By Obama's Health Care Speech

2009-09-10 20

WASHINGTON, DC [9/9/09] - Statement from U.S. Sen. Franken (D-Minn.): “I’ve talked to thousands of Minnesotans as I traveled the state during August, and no matter which end of the political spectrum they’re on, people want real reform. I think we heard the same message from the President tonight that I have heard from my constituents: now is the time to fix our broken health insurance system to lower costs, improve quality, and ensure choice of health plans. “We can’t afford the cost of inaction. The President's proposals will bring secure coverage and better health to the millions of Americans who are being crushed by skyrocketing costs. “So my colleagues and I are reenergized to get this done and I believe we’ll get legislation passed this fall.”