Swine Flu Propaganda

2009-09-10 56

Swine Flue Vaccination propaganda from the late 70's. spread truth kill lies. killlies. http://www.killlies.com 9/11 Planned US Government 911 Conspiracy Forum AIDS HIV Virus Man Made Apollo Moon Landing Hoax Global Warming Iraq War Oil John F. Kennedy Assassination New World Order Conspiracy Pearl Harbor Allowed Occur Experiment Princess Murdered Royal Family UFO Aliens Roswell Water Fluoridation Area 51 Assassination Bermuda Triangle Silverberg Group Black helicopters t Chem trails Espionage Free energy supprinfowars Alternative News Media alex jones TheAlexJonesChannel Barack Obama Socialism Socialist communist stalin osama bin laden Iraq Iran Israel CIA MI5 MI6 KGB illuminati Bilderberg group TLC CFR Club of ROME bird avian pig human conditioning vaccine inoculation spread manufactured health mind control conspiracy elite baxter merck bayer big pharma

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