Hollywood MK Deception 13 Endorsement Re Enforcement

2009-09-08 1

There seems to be no end to this MK Hollywood problem, as we can now see which companies these MK slaves are endorsing, but we can see additional programming tailor made just for us. They are programmed to do many things, and here we can see them doing their jobs as the false faces of our products.

These images used for this vidoe were taken from the internet, and can be searched, saved and examined. Does this make you wonder who would put in such effort to keep our minds focused on shit we have no need for? WHY would they control the minds of entertainers to control the people? Why go so far to use trauma based mind programming on children and expose US to it? These are serious questions. What is it about the masses attention that is constantly fucked with?

The film used in this video is a film created in 1988 by John Carpenter called " They Live". The entire film is located here and available for download:
