Human Mobile Stage 47I, 2009 Chau Lung Banquet, Lion Dance

2009-09-05 485

Human Mobile Stage 47I. 2009 Chau Lung Annual Banquet, this is commemorated the death of Grand Master Chau Lung who was dead in that day. Banquet organized by: Chung Oi Chau Yen Yee Tong Chau Lung Annual Banquet Committee. Time: 26th August 2009 (Chinese Lunar date: 7th day of Seventh Month of every year); Place: Hong Kong. Special thanks for China and Overseas Chau Ka Kung Fu Schools were attended: Guangzhou Kwang Boa Ki Tong Chau Kwoon Yen Yee Tong, Chung Oi Chau Ka Kau Kwong Sheung Tung Amateur Wushu Martial Arts Association, Zhong Shan Cho Po Chung Oi Chau Ka Yun Yee Tong, Zhong Shan Cho Po Cho Sam Po Chau Kwoon, Kong Chow Wui Koon of Singapore.

Video Information:

(1) (Before Banquet) Kung Fu performed by Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art Sports Association. In White Shirt with Red Words and Black Trouser.
(2) (At the beginning of Banquet: Opening Address by Sifu Chan Man Cheung.