Chelation Therapy and Miracle Mineral Supplement

2009-09-04 3

For further information on Chelating Therapy, please visit: Chelating Therapy This is a brief video made in the spirit of educating people as to the virtues of 3 of natures most powerful cardiovascular chelating agents. Did you know that by consuming a combination of pomegranate juice, Super oxide Dismutase (SOD), EDTA daily we can actually reverse the process of heart disease! This video is almost a mandatory watch for anyone over the age of 40 years of age so important in fact that it may just save your life! All the material shown is empirically supported with cited studies taken from leading medical journals so believe us when we say this may be one of the most important short clips that you watch in a great number of years For more information on Chelating Therapy please visit: - You will find many interesting testimonials from others who have been helped by using natural methods at this informational blog.