HOLDING ON TO NOTHING WITH EVERTHING I'VE GOT :A workshop research undertaken by Antonio Pedro Lopes since 2006.
This was two presentation of the reserch in progress presented in the Performing Arts Forum and in La Comédie de Reims, both in France. After 2008, I use this frame to experiment with performance dispositives using text, photography, presence. PArticipants: Mia Habib, Monica Gillette, Tommy Noonan, Domenico Giustino, Lucie Eidenbenz, Perrine Bailleux, Marianne Baillot, Min Kyoung Lee, Tim Darbyshire, Chris Leuenberger, Begum Erciyas and Jean Baptiste Veyret Logerias
for more info please see: www.sweetandtender.org
video edited by Ana Lucia Cruz