BNSF: intermodal W.B. meets intermodal E.B.

2009-08-07 827

3:30 PM

A westbound intermodal, led by a GEVO and two C44-9Ws, rolls west with a very nice K5HL horn. Best guess is that this is a Z train. Again, I love the combo of containers and trailers.

3:32 PM

As the westbound was about to end, I looked behind me and saw the headlight of an eastbound pop around the curve. A Heritage I C44-9W, two Heritage II C44-9Ws, and a Swoosh GEVO rolled eastbound with another intermodal train. It was great to hear that Canadian-tuned Nathan K3H/K3L horn, they are relatively rare on U.S. railroads!

Two words: PERFECT MEET!

Recorded 7.30.2009