BNSF: intermodal E.B.

2009-08-06 96

1:05 PM

A few minutes after the local passed, I was told that another BNSF train was at Flagg Center and would be thru Rochelle soon. Not too long afterward, I heard a horn in the distance, a "Second Generation K5HLL" as TommyBNSF from YouTube calls it. The sound of this horn is comparable to a Leslie RS3K or a Nathan M5. As the train came closer, I noticed that the lead unit was one of GE's newest models: the ES44C4! I finally got one on video, I was so excited. I had been hoping to see one while I was out here. Hearing that distinctive off-key horn blare thru town was so nice. Around the :40 mark, you can hear it blare in the distance. Spooky, but I LOVE it!

*I've heard that the ES44C4 is plagued with certain problems and may not be around much longer. I don't know whether or not they will be gone soon, I certainly hope not. But if that is the case, I'm stoked I got a good shot of one while I had the chance!

Recorded 7.30.2009