Banks Are Approving Loan Modifications Stop Foreclosure

2009-07-19 36 Stop foreclosure Easiest Banks to Get a Loan Modification with right now are: The Loan Modification industry is booming right now. Many of the banks are getting easier to work with. The lenders saying yes the most are : Citi, WaMu, Formerly Washington Mutual but now is Chase, Aurora, and Select Portfolio. Those last 2 are loan servicing companies but they have authority to negotiate mortgage loan modifications. =====Some Lenders That Are Still Difficult: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Litton Loan Servicing, Indymac. =====These Lenders Have Been and Still Are Difficult: Countrywide, Wachovia, Ocwen, Homeq, and HSBC. For the last group you may want to use a 3rd party like my company, you would be more likely to get your mortgage loan modified. If your lender is listed in the 1st 2 groups, you might want to