Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga - Starbeans Café Blends

2009-06-29 3

Just a random video I decided to do to demonstrate what Prof. E. Gadd gives ya for each blend.

The blends don't need to be in any order.

First blend:
Greed Wallet - Double-Up Coin (Double the coins you get from monsters!)

Second blend:
Bonus Ring - Double-Up EXP (Don't lose HP in battle for an EXP bonus!)

Third blend:
Excite Spring - Floating Jump (Hold the button to float on defense!)

Fourth blend:
Great Force - Rough Battle (Double the damage you give AND take!)

Fifth blend:
Power Grip - Hammer Grip (Never drop the Hammerhead on defense!)

Sixth blend:
Cobalt Necktie - Shining Stache (Double your Stache points!)

Seventh blend:
Game Boy Horror SP - Rare Itemizer (Defeat foes and always get rare items!)

Different blends give you different stat boosts.

Woohoo Blend: +4 HP (Adds four Hit Points)

Hoohoo Blend: +4 BP (Adds four Bros. Points)

Chuckle Blend: +4 SPEED (Adds four stat points to Speed)

Teehee Blend: +4 STACHE (Adds four stat points to Stache)

Hoolumbian: +4 POW (Adds four stat points to Power)

Chuckoccino: +4 DEF (Adds four stat points to Defense)

Teeheespresso: +6 ??? (Adds six points to a random stat)

I split this into two parts on YouTube

Part 1:

Part 2:

The first part contains the five first blends, which I chose to be Woohoo Blend, Hoohoo Blend, Chuckle Blend, Teehee Blend and Hoolumbian.

The second part contains the two last blends, which I chose to be Chuckoccino and Teeheespresso.

As with Little Samson's last video, I will upload the two parts on YouTube and I will then post the links to them on Dailymotion.