Save Your Money with Thinking Of Hiring A Private Investigator? Read This First! From time to time we all are going to need people search information. Maybe you’ve lost track of an old friend and the only thing you have to go on is an outdated phone number from a few years ago. Or you might be curious about strange numbers appearing your family cell phone bill. Or maybe you’re just tired of the prank calls late at night. To get answers, you may be tempted to hire a private investigator, but you don’t have to. There is a more affordable solution to your problem – Why Turn To A PI? Private investigators were once the only option you had when you needed hard-to-find information. Ordinary folks had no way of accessing the databases that we can so easily access today. Most of us had no idea what a reverse lookup was or why it would ever be useful. Today, things have changed and private investigators are going the way of the dinosaur. One of the bad things about hiring a private investigator is that you are essentially going to be paying this person three times what is necessary. First, you’re going to be paying because they know WHERE to get the information you need. Second, you’ll end up paying a fee to cover ACCESS of the databases. Third, you’ll pay for the TIME they spent working on your case. In the end, you’ll be paying this private investigator hundreds – maybe even thousands - of dollars for doing what you could do for a fraction of the cost. Save Your Money with The same databases private investigators use to get information are available for you to use. There’s nothing secret or special about them; they’re right there on the Internet at That means now you have the same knowledge as private investigations about how to find people through phone numbers. Sure, you’ll have to spend a couple of minutes registering, entering the phone number, and waiting for the ...