Clérambault - Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux - Fin 1er Ton

2009-06-21 1

Gilberto Guarino plays Clérambault. Suite du Premier Ton (Fin). #7: Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux. Temperamente: 1/4 comma mean tone.
"Ouverture à la française", followed by a main section, "en imitation", with "Cornet Séparé" and "Cromorne" alternating both voices (in this organ, due to the disposition of the stops, I have been forced to play the "Cornet" on the Choir, and the "Cromorne" on the Swell). The "Dialogue" is driven to a close by a great cadence (played "fort lentement", probably meaning "progressivement plus lent"), which lays final an new stress upon the "ouverture à la française".