Koh Samui Yoga

2009-06-03 67

http://www.AbsoluteSanctuarySamui.com – 7 Secrets of Detoxification… free email course about weight loss, colon cleansing, and detoxification. Follow link above. If you’ve never had a mangosteen before, then there’s another great reason to make a trip to Koh Samui as soon as possible! Any immigration officer will tell you that tourists are constantly getting stopped in customs for trying to sneak home with 5 kilos (or more) of the fruit in their luggage! It’s that good! MEET THE SPA TEAM http://absolutesanctuarysamui.com/our%20spa.html The taste is often described as lemon sorbet, and mangosteens are loaded with anti-oxidants in such high proportions that the plant’s extracts are now used in dozens of nutritional supplements all over the world. This little purple/black fruit has cooling properties, so it’s an ideal snack on a warm afternoon. After a cleanse, it’s one of our guest’s favorite fruit choices because it’s extremely easy to digest, light, and so refreshing… … but don’t try to sneak any home with you! SPA SAMUI: http://www.absolutesanctuary.com/reju_01.html