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Juice is a favorite beverage of many. You can have it at almost any time of the day, not only during breakfast. Not only that, juice is very nutritious and comes in a variety of flavors to suit anybody’s taste. No other thirst quencher can be as versatile as juice, and today, juice can even be a form of cleansing for the body. Contrary to a common notion about juice, fruits are not the only food products that are healthy to drink. In fact, vegetable juices are now popular alternatives for people who want to maintain their overall well-being.
Have you ever heard of juice fasting? This is a sort of diet or health alternative which includes the consumption of raw fruits and vegetables in a juice or pureed form. Juice, in this case, should be made of fresh ingredients, not a powdered or instant juices form.
Juice fasting means that all of your meals consist of juice and water. According to sources, juice fasting helps cleanse your system of toxins that have developed over time. In addition, there are tons of other benefits one can only begin to mention.
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Even in scientific publications, the health effects of fresh fruit and vegetable juices are constantly examined. In 2006, the Journal of Nutrition published a work from the University of Florida. It found that immunity and antioxidant activities of the human body are enhanced by fruit and vegetable juice. In this research, using capsulated or concentrated fruit and vegetable juices was also examined.