Koh Samui Yoga

2009-05-29 30

http://www.AbsoluteSanctuarySamui.com Koh Samui Detox– 7 Secrets of Detoxification… free email course about weight loss, colon cleansing, and detoxification. Follow link above.

For some people, there really is a chemical imbalance occurring internally. And when we’re talking about weight problems, often times impaired thyroid function can be to blame.

The thyroid glad produces a hormone called thyroxin that, among other things, control your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories).

Now, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is very common, but that doesn’t mean we should all go running to the pharmacist for a life-long prescription drug!

Many times, an under-active thyroid is caused by excessive toxins in the body. Mercury is one of the biggest culprits, and once you cleanse your system, it’s often possible to
correct even long-standing metabolism and thyroid issues WITHOUT medication.
