More Androids to roam the earth, plus Verizon scoops ...

2009-05-28 56

While the iPhone, and its app store have been seen as a blockbuster, Google's Android operating system still hasn't achieved the rockstar status– if there is such a thing– in the mobile realm. Google hopes that'll change, by announcing its expecting 18 Android handsets to be available worldwide by the end of the year. Is this a big deal, and should you be earmarking one of these devices for your next purchase? We talk to Brian Brushwood, host of Revision 3's Scam School, and Seth Porges of Popular Mechanics. Brian thinks the new devices will be a big deal for competition, so regardless of their success or failure, a competitive marketplace is the best way to push everyone forward. Seth gives a good bit of background on the announcement, mentioning that since practically anyone can add Android to a device without too many restrictions, these 18 devices could be 15 more no-name Chinese phones, with two that actually make it to American shores. Translation? Don't hold your breath for too many of these devices to hit America. Also today in the mobile world, Verizon says it'll have a Palm Pre-esque device within the next six months. Obviously, Sprint doesn't like the news, since its exclusive on the Pre is somewhat of the only feather in its cap, but for consumers this means, yet again, more competition for the iPhone. Which phone are you rocking now? Will any of these future announcements change your plans to switch carriers? Will you pick up a Pre? Sound off in the comments. Distributed by Tubemogul.