Review Of The Network Marketing Company CarbonCopyPro

2009-05-26 18 From humble beginnings, CarbonCopyPro has built a home based enterprise that stretches beyond the boundaries of North America. A major announcement recently made by CarbonCopyPro is that it is now in over 100 countries. A number of modifications have been made to the system to make it more relevant to countries outside the United States. There will be more to come on this topic.

CarbonCopyPro was founded by successful online entrepreneurs Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson. The system was developed to automate the lead generation process for Wealth Masters International (WMI) consultants.

Carbon CopyPro focuses on leadership development with a purpose of creating enlightened millionaires. The company offers a wealth of knowledge provided through live calls, personal coaching, comprehensive training in relevant, money-making aspects of business and marketing.

This company has created a solid business model that is based on products, individual leadership, marketing mastery and an intensive business education.

Lawren Smith is a business coach and mentor who assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple income streams. For more information, visit: