Girls soccer team accused of cheating because some of them have short hair

2025-02-06 39

A team of young girl footballers has launched a campaign defending their right to have short hair - after some were accused of being boys during a game.

The girls of York Railway Institute (YRI) AFC u12s have mounted the 'Girls can have short hair. Get Over It' campaign after a series of complaints from parents and coaches of rival teams.

A team of young footballers in York has launched the ‘Girls can have short hair. Get Over It’ campaign after facing accusations of being boys during matches. The York Railway Institute (YRI) AFC U12s say rival parents and coaches have repeatedly questioned their gender, even stopping a game to verify players.

Players Camille Porhel and Flo Topham, both 11, say the remarks make them anxious about playing. Camille’s mother, Aimée Little, 50, called the scrutiny "bizarre" and said their campaign has received widespread support, revealing a broader issue in grassroots girls’ football.