What was the best thing you ever did?
Robert was walking his dog when he saw the pup carrying a bundle of cash in her mouth. He followed Jessi to see where she’d found the money. Rob couldn’t believe his eyes. Amongst a pile of trash bugs was a woman. She was covered in banknotes, trembling. As Rob reached out for the girl, someone pushed him away. A furious man grabbed the girl and began to drag her away as she screamed. “Get him, Jessi!”, Rob shouted. The dog scared away the thug. Rob took the girl’s hand and rushed her to his car.
The three of them managed to get away. They arrived at Rob’s apartment. And he was ready to take care of the mysterious girl. But then, he found out that she’d recently robbed a very powerful man – her husband. And he and his mobsters would soon come looking for her.
💗 And don’t forget – cherish everything that fills you with love!
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