Issaka ZIDA has been a passionate vegetable gardener from an early age. The son of a farmer, he always wanted to follow in his father's footsteps: work the land to feed himself. On his two-hectare plot of land, Issaka ZIDA grows onions, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, sorrel and many other vegetables.
When he started out, Issaka ZIDA, like many other gardener, found it difficult to obtain finance. Without collateral, it was virtually impossible for him to obtain loans from financial institutions. Thanks to the Support Programme for the Promotion of Agricultural Entrepreneurship Phase 2 (PAPEA-2), Issaka ZIDA was able to take out loans with financial institutions. This has enabled him to invest in his business.
Issaka ZIDA's ambitions are simple and clear: to increase his production capacity in order to improve the living conditions of his family and himself.
#AgribusinessTV #BurkinaFaso #PAPEA #VegetableGardening