Experience the formidable power of Dark Phoenix, a combination shoot hissatsu technique introduced in Inazuma Eleven. This move is executed by three players—Kazemaru Ichirouta, Someoka Ryuugo, and Matsuno Kuusuke—who synchronize their energies to unleash a devastating shot. During the match between Dark Emperors and Raimon, Kazemaru declared Dark Phoenix to be the strongest shot technique. The trio used it to break through Tachimukai's Mugen The Hand G4, successfully scoring Dark Emperors' third goal.
📌 Featured Move:
Dark Phoenix: The three players kick the ball simultaneously, enveloping it in dark flames that transform into a powerful phoenix soaring towards the goal. This technique combines strength, precision, and teamwork, making it one of the most formidable offensive moves in the series.
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