Hiring Philosophy_ Fresh Talent vs. Experience.Better Business Better Life podcast guest Richard Blank Costa Ricas Call Center.

2024-12-30 1

That's a great question. Well, first is I like to address their second language capacities. Anybody that speaks a second language to me bears the mark of higher education. Secondly, I don't need someone, Deborah, that has call center experience. I can always teach them a CRM and a phone system. That could be done in like 20 minutes. But how about someone that has never worked at a center before with skills? You and I can mold them. They can be our squire to the night. And they're not coming in with bad habits. They're not a jumper. They're not a cancer. Because if you bring in someone that is exceptionally talented, it's almost like a mercenary. They're not loyal to a single flag. They will just go to the next place that will pay them more.
Better Business Better Life Podcast. Episode #61. The Costa Rica success story with Richard Blank

Welcome to another episode of Better Business Better Life. I’m your host, Deborah Chantry Taylor. I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs and their leadership teams get what they want out of business and life.
So good morning, and welcome to another episode of Better Business better life. Today I’m joined by the delightful Richard Blank, who is a CEO of the Costa Rica’s call center. And we’ve just been having a wee chat before we came on live today. And just hearing a bit about Rich’s background, it’s absolutely fascinating. So I can’t wait for him to share his stories with you. Richard, welcome.