Swing into action with the thrilling new Marvel Animation series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man! Featuring an all-star voice cast, including Hudson Thames as the iconic web-slinger, Colman Domingo bringing depth to a powerful villain, and Eugene Byrd adding heart to the mix, this series reimagines the adventures of Spider-Man in bold, animated brilliance. Packed with high-stakes battles, heartfelt moments, and a vibrant cast of characters from the Spider-Verse, this show is set to captivate both lifelong fans and newcomers alike. Don’t miss the official trailer for a glimpse of the action, streaming exclusively on Disney+ starting January 29th!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Cast:
Hudson Thames, Colman Domingo, Eugene Byrd, Zeno Robinson, Hugh Dancy, Charlie Cox, Kari Wahlgren and Paul F. Tompkins
Stream Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man January 29, 2025 on Disney+!