Step into the gripping world of The Amateur, a high-stakes thriller from director James Hawes, starring Oscar-winner Rami Malek alongside Rachel Brosnahan and Laurence Fishburne. Malek delivers a riveting performance as a CIA cryptographer thrust into a perilous quest for justice after a devastating tragedy alters his life forever. This intense narrative weaves together complex characters, razor-sharp storytelling, and relentless suspense, exploring the moral and emotional toll of a man driven to the brink. Watch the official trailer and get a glimpse of the raw tension and captivating drama that make The Amateur an unforgettable cinematic experience.
The Amateur Cast:
Rami Malek, Rachel Brosnahan, Caitríona Balfe, Jon Bernthal, Michael Stuhlbarg, Holt McCallany, Julianne Nicholson, Adrian Martinez, Danny Sapani and Laurence Fishburne
The Amateur will hit theaters April 11, 2025!