Ijarah Explained: Meaning, Features, and Its Role in Islamic Banking

2024-12-16 2

What is ijarah, and how does it function within Islamic finance? In this detailed educational video, we break down the concept of ijarah, explaining its meaning and key features. Learn how the ijarah contract works, its role in leasing and asset management, and how it aligns with Islamic principles by avoiding interest-based transactions.

This session explores the importance of ijarah in Islamic banking, where it serves as a Shariah-compliant alternative to conventional leasing. Whether you're a student of Islamic finance or someone curious about ethical banking practices, this video will provide you with a thorough understanding of ijarah and its applications. Watch now to uncover the core principles of ijarah in Islamic finance.

For complete lecture on Ijarah in Islamic banking , and for more lectures on Islamic Banking and Finance visit: https://aims.education/study-online/ijarah-in-islamic-banking/

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Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance
Certified Islamic Banker (CIB)
Certified Islamic Finance Expert (CIFE)
Master Diploma in Islamic Finance (MDIF)
MBA in Islamic Banking and Finance
PhD Islamic Finance