Intense fighting erupted in the West Bank as Palestinian resistance fighters, including Al-Quds Brigades and other factions, confronted Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the Balata Refugee Camp in Nablus. Resistance forces employed guerrilla tactics, including detonating IEDs and ambushing Israeli military units. The violence escalated as Israeli forces carried out raids in Palestinian universities and refugee camps, resulting in casualties. This footage highlights the growing intensity of the ongoing conflict in the West Bank, with Palestinian fighters pushing back against Israeli incursions.
#AlQudsBrigades #IDF #WestBankConflict #PalestinianResistance #IEDs #GuerrillaWarfare #IsraeliRaids #BalataRefugeeCamp #Nablus #PalestinianFactions #MiddleEastConflict #IsraelPalestine #ResistanceFighters #MilitaryTactics #WestBankViolence #Palestine