When it worked podcast B2B guest Richard Blank Costa Ricas Call Center

2024-12-13 0

When it worked podcast. Using a nearshore contact centre to generate sales with Richard Blank.

Success is about moments...

When it worked podcast shares the experts who over came the odds to forge success on their own terms. Listen as Julian Leahy shares with us the key moments that changed everything for them.

Cost Savings Of Using Offshore Telemarketers
We are considered near shore because of our distance to the United States the agents that we have here are bilingual spanish and english which in the United States spanish could be the most spoken language in the next 10 years and also in regards to our cost savings you can get a turnkey agent here for salary benefits, hr telecom and overhead for the same price you would be paying an hourly agent in the United States.


It's Different When Telesales Agents Really Enjoy The Job
Most of the agents in the States believe that call center and telemarketing jobs are transitional or they look down on it. I don't know why because many people earn a living making and receiving calls.

In Costa Rica they find a second language stimulating and so they're constantly looking to increase their english skills and thus their marketability.

So by making these calls in the United States they really find it fascinating and so what we try to do is to cultivate and grow their second language skills by expanding their vocabulary by explaining certain genres that we have.

Incorporating Soft Sales Skills
We are also serious about incorporating certain soft skills that some people claim that we've lost today because most people are chatting or sending emails.

I prefer to speak with somebody. I think there's a much better chance to retain that client to get a referral, possibly an upsell and even worst case scenario if someone is not doing business with you. Maybe through an exit interview they can tell you ways in which you could improve or what your competition did in order to earn their business.