Timeline Overview & Radars - Ch 4.1 - BVR Timeline

2024-12-13 0

Chapter IV of this journey through the updated BVR Timeline; it is time for a first glance and what a Timeline is, and what it does. Part I also includes a brief mention of radars, how they are used, the appropriate modes and differences.

Part II will complete the overview of the basic notions and topics that is better clarify before tacking the in-depth discussion.

00:00 Introduction
01:18 - What is a Timeline?
02:20 - Timeline logical blocks
02:58 - Block I
03:28 - Block II
03:52 - Block III
04:40 - Radar Mating and Sanitisation
06:42 - F-16 and F-14 altitude brackets
07:10 - Radar modes
07:53 - Example: RWS vs TWS