This Entrepreneur Is Putting Mirrored Satellites In Space To Beam Sunlight To Solar Panels At Night

2024-12-25 41

Forget about software as a service. How about sunlight as a service? This SpaceX alum seeks to supply unlimited rays by launching a constellation of mirrored satellites that will reflect solar radiation down to solar panels on Earth, even at night. It sounds unbelievable, but Reflect Orbital has already raised $8.7 million from Sequoia Capital and others to pursue the space-based system. Last year, Nowack proved the basic concept by launching a hot air balloon outfitted with an eight-by-eight-foot reflective Mylar panel to redirect sunlight to an array of standard solar panels in Pahrump, Nevada. Clouds are an obstacle, though the satellites can adjust to find clear patches as long as skies aren’t totally overcast. “Solar is a great way to make power—until the sun goes down,” he says. Along with aiming solar radiation on solar panels 24/7, he says his satellites can potentially shine light on after-dark activities such as night skiing, search-and-rescue operations and construction projects.

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