Start labor naturally with acupressure

2009-05-15 1,913

I know how badly you want baby OUT

At last the due date has come and gone. You feel like you have been pregnant for 11 months. Now your doctor begins to tell you that you need to be medically induced at a hospital.

It works!

Maternity acupressure naturally and safely starts labor within 48 hours. It prevents the baby from becoming distressed by making labor easier and shorter. Maternity acupressure helps you to avoid unnecessary medical interventions.

Doctor induced labor

• Pitocin increases stress on your baby due to unnaturally strong and long contractions.
• The contractions are much MORE painful (I was induced on my first child)
• Increases you risk for additional medical interventions including C-Section

A safe and simple technique to give birth to your baby.

It's Safe and Simple

Maternity acupressure is a very simple technique. With basic instructions you will be able to locate the labor acupressure points. By pressing specific spots along your skin could start your labor in a safe and natural way in 48 hours!

You are just a few minutes away from using proven maternity acupressure techniques to induce labor naturally.
