Why am I not getting cast in Acting Roles?

2024-12-04 3

In this Actor's Quick Tip, Fay Beck, the principal of Beck Academy of
Dramatic Art discusses the question:

Why am I not getting cast?

Unfortunately, in our industry, this is a question that in on the vast majority or actors' minds. It is unfortunate because that question betrays the frustration and disappointment that so many are going through especially in this moment where Hollywood and the industry as a whole is experiencing a massive downturn.

Is the answer to just keep going on and to ignore everything?

Watch the video for a quick discussion and tip on how to make sure you can keep on the journey long enough.

Beck Academy of Dramatic Art is a London based Drama School offering acting training through coaching, drop in classes, workshops, screen acting workshops, short courses and part-time, long term training.

Our 2 Yr Drama Course program is Spotlight approved which means you are industry ready upon graduation.

Official Website: https://www.beckdrama.com

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