Ram Charan, who has been observing the Ayyappa Deeksha this year, recently faced online criticism over his visit to the Ameen Peer Dargah during his spiritual journey. Ayyappa Deeksha is a 41-day Hindu spiritual practice undertaken by devotees of Swamy Ayyappa in preparation for a pilgrimage to the Sabarimala Temple in Kerala. Recently, Upasana Konidela, posted a picture of her husband, Ram Charan, offering prayers at the Dargah, mentioning in the caption, “@AlwaysRamCharan respecting other religions while following his own.” This sparked a backlash from some netizens, questioning his actions. In response, the actor’s wife shared another post addressing the Sabarimala customs, shutting down the trolls and defending her husband’s choice to honour all faiths while adhering to his spiritual practices.