Falkirk Flight Lock Gate Replacement & Refurbishment

2024-12-21 4,645

Falkirk Flight Lock Gate Replacement & Refurbishment Programme 2024-2026

Significant improvement works along the Forth & Clyde Canal Falkirk Flight are set to get underway.
The multi-year programme of works, between locks 3 and 16, will see the canal undergo a major lock-gate refurbishment and replacement programme.
Our engineers have completed a comprehensive assessment of the area and are now looking to commence works which have been prioritised and planned to ensure the canal can continue to operate safely for the next 20 plus years.
The project, funded from Scottish Canals’ Capital Investment Programme, will see us replace gates at locks 7,9,11, 14 and 16, and undertake further improvements to lock gates including cill replacement, quoin repair and over-planking.
To accommodate these works we require to suspend navigation from November 2024 with the aim of re-opening by March 2026.
The Carron Sea Lock (lock 2) will remain operational during the major works planned.
As normal, use of the sea lock will be restricted to tide times and river current. There may also be some additional unplanned restrictions relating to water supply. All requests for boat movements must be booked in advance with our teams. Please call 07810 794 467 or email lowland.canals@scottishcanals.co.uk to make arrangements.
As with any construction works, dates are subject to change and delays however we will seek to reduce the time navigation is suspended if any opportunity allows.
These works will form part of the Lowland Lock Gate Refurbishment and Replacement Programme Scottish Canals | Lock gate replacement works 2023/24 which has to date seen the gates at locks 5, 6 and 8 replaced at a cost of £2.2m. In addition, all other lock gates on the Forth & Clyde Canal have had remedial repairs to improve water retention via over sheeting or re-planking to support ongoing navigation. 
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. For specific customer boat movement enquiries please contact our teams direct.
Updates on any disruption as a result on these works will be available on our ongoing disruptions page.