In our last video “PUTIN PROMISED EVIDENCE” we revealed what Putin has been hiding for a quarter of a century, that he is an alcoholic, and in fact his mind has been degenerating for years because he suffers from Alcohol Dementia, a form of Alzheimer’s disease.
Why has Putin been hiding the fact that he has Alcohol Dementia? Because under Russian Law to remain President, Putin has to be mentally competent. Having any form of Dementia, like Alcohol Dementia, is grounds under the law for immediate e removal? Why? Because this disease creates a SECURITY RISK to the Russian state. Today or any day an FSB agent or federal Prosecutor could walk into Putin’s office and inform him. Let’s do a little role playing. You are now Putin, and in this role play I have just walked into your office as the FSB agent .
“Mr. President: To remain in office of President of Russia, you cannot under the Constitution be a security risk to Russia. Since you are both an Alcoholic and have Alcohol Dementia, that disease degenerates the human mind and disqualifies you from continuing as President. It is my sad duty to inform you that you are thus relieved of duty as of this moment.
The FSB and the Federal Prosecutor’s offices have both inform the current Prime Minister of Russia, Mikhail Mishustin, that as of today as is defined in the Russian Constitution, Prime Minister Mishustin is now the Temporary President of Russia and that a national election will be held in 3 months to elect a new Russian President to replace your vacant office as the new elected head of the Russian government.
No, Former President Putin this is not a curable disease. With Alcohol Dementia, every day your brain will continue to degenerate for the remainder of your life. No, Former President Putin, you will not be approved as a candidate for reelection because being an Alcoholic and/or having Alcohol Dementia either one disqualifies you to run, or serve in the office of President as President ever again.
No, giving up alcohol – Champaign in your case - today would not be sufficient for you to continue as President. Unfortunately for you sir, you will have Alcohol Dementia till your death, as the disease continues to degenerate your mind even further.
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