Carla Bley Band - TV movie Koln, Germany 1980

2024-11-10 6

Recorded live at Livehouse Nacht, Koln, Germany 1980.

Carla Bley - organ, piano, vocals.
Arthur O'Farrill - piano, organ.
Carlos Ward, Gary Windo - reeds, vocals.
Michael Mantler - trumpet.
Gary Valente -mtrombone.
Vincent Chancey - French horn, vocals.
Warl McIntyre - tuba, bass trombone.
Steve Swallow - bass.
D. Sharpe - drums, vocals.

Song sung long.
Wrong-key donkey.
Can't get my motor to start.
Reactionary tango (mvt. 1-mvt. 2-mvt. 3).
I'm a mineralist.
I want you to love me but you hate me.
Boo to you too.
Walking batteriewoman.

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