This collection of inspiring Catholic praise and worship songs will help you let the light of God's love shine brightly in your life. These hymns, which have been carefully chosen to uplift your faith and lead you on your spiritual path, have stirring lyrics that draw you nearer to God's grace. These songs will help you exalt His name and spread His light throughout the world, making them ideal for both private devotion and group worship. These songs will bring His peace and love into your heart whether you're at home, in church, or on the go. Let His light shine through you as you join us in singing the lyrics.
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Let Your Light Shine Catholic music
uplifting Catholic liturgy
Using lyrics, Catholic praise
Top Catholic Hymns
Songs of Worship Filled with Faith
Playlist for Catholic Worship
Songs for Christians Songs for Catholic Worship Hymns of the Catholic Church
Praise music for Catholics
Catholic Songs That Inspire
Prayerful Worship Songs
Worship Music in Catholicism
Catholic Church Music
Catholic Worship and Praise
Participate in Catholic hymns
Lyrics for Catholic Hymns
Songs of Praise for Christians Faith Music in the Catholic Tradition
Efficacious Catholic hymns
Inspirational Worship Music
Catholic Songs of Devotion
Songs of Spiritual Praise
Playlist for Catholic Praise
Catholic worship
Motivational Songs with Words