The Tomb Raider's Lost City – The story follows Sima Cong, who is blackmailed by a Thai tycoon to find the way to the Golden Spider City, hidden 10,000 meters beneath Wildman Mountain. During his adventure, Sima Cong meets Ba Gei, a genius young man who manages to pass through a blood-filled coffin. The two unlikely allies begin to cooperate to uncover underground secrets and form a bond of friendship through their challenges. However, they soon discover that their Thai adversary has appeared beneath the earth and reveals a shocking truth: Ba Gei is actually Sima Cong's father, Sima Hui, who disappeared many years ago. As they delve deeper into the Golden Spider City, the mystery of the underground city unfolds, tied to an alien civilization...
Director: Dai Yi Lin
Screenwriters: Thúy Hoàn, Thiên Hạ Bá Ca
Starring: Liu Lincheng, Chen Mengqi, Sasha, Ning Xiaohua
Country/Region: Mainland China
Language: Mandarin
Runtime: 87 minutes
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