2009-05-09 889

NEW WORLD Order NORTH AMERICAN UNION CURRENCY? note the SUN logo of the Illuminatti? From the UNITED FEDERATION OF NORTH AMERICA (They are still calling it the 'dollar' instead of the 'Amero') Note that the capstone is now firmly seated on the pyramid , meaning they have had a Capstone Event or Topped it off like I have been documenting during homeland security's top off exercises over the past decade in my blog and the Annuit Coeptus Novus Ordo Seclorum - "Announcing Conception of a New Order of the World" has been changed....though I can't make out what it says ALSO note - that the pyramid now has rays emanating from it, and has a dark eye shape on front with a triangleshape in a lighter color... AND- the one and five dollar bills have a BLACK SUN on the reverse side...