Tasty Baked Donuts / NO OIL, NOT FRIED Doughnut Recipe!!

2024-10-31 4

In this video we will make a Tasty Baked Donuts with NO oil. Prepare sweet dough according to my mom's recipe❤️

But it will be a Halloween edition

Learn how to make Baked "Spooky" Doughnuts at home)

Watch step by step recipe in this video

Pin ingredients below this description as usual

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125 g cream (10%)
10 g yeast
1 little egg
1 yolk
25 g unsalted butter
50 g sugar
10 g vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt
300-350 g all-purpose flour

400 g confectionery glaze or colored chocolate

125 g Sahne (10%)
10 g Hefe
1 kleines Ei
1 Eigelb
25 g ungesalzene Butter
50 g Zucker
10 g Vanillezucker
eine Prise Salz
300-350 g Allzweckmehl

400 g Zuckerglasur oder farbige Schokolade

125 g クリーム(10)
イースト 10g
卵 1個
1 卵黄
25 g 無塩バター
50 g 砂糖
バニラシュガー 10g
塩 ひとつまみ
強力粉 300-350 g

400 g 製菓用グレーズまたはカラーチョコレート

#bakeddonuts #howtomakedonuts #bakeddoughnutsrecipe #baking #violetandkoikitchen #homemadebaking